Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yellowstone National Park!

We’ve been off the grid since we got to Yellowstone Nat’l Park. We found a spot near Old Faithful that we can get wireless access and thought we’d update ya’ll quickly. This place is amazing with breathtaking views and wonders. Here’s a few pictures of what we’ve seen so far on our drives, hikes, and adventures in Yellowstone.

For those of you familiar with Yellowstone we’re staying at Fishing Bridge. We’ve had dinner at the Lake Lodge, and driven through a winter wonderland – yep, it’s snowed while we’ve been here. We’ve seen Old Faithful and several geysers, hot springs, mud pots and fumaroles. But to top all that off yesterday on our way back from our hike to see Lehardy Rapids we came on a huge bull Bison on our trail coming back towards us. We stepped off the trail and waited for him to continue on. He moved towards Rusty –much too fast for me – and they were eye to eye when he snorted and checked him out before he went on his way down the trail. WOW, what a rush! This buffalo was as tall as we are! It was an aggressive move, and he was way too close!
We’ll get back with ya’ll as soon as we can get back on the grid. Until then, thanks for the comments and emails. 


  1. Great pictures! I'm glad you got a photo of that bull bison on the trail -- really brings your story to life. That close encounter must have been quite exciting!

  2. WOW!! You guys are adventurous!! Love the photos! Still hot as hell here!! Would love some snow! Was cool in N.C(55 to 75) so it is especially miserable-- keep the pics coming-TOODLES for now Luv, Barb & Brian
