Monday, August 30, 2010

Sun. 8/29th Day Two!

Here's our first posting on our journey - We knew it would be an adventure but we had NO idea it would be this exciting! Sat. was uneventful we made it to High Falls, GA. and spent the night. We left early Sun. and headed to Piney Campground near Dover, TN. and around 3:00 in the afternoon this happened:

We were almost in Pleasantview, TN. driving on I-24 when a semi truck tried to run us off the road! Rusty did a terrific job of keeping us on the road, first we almost went into the median (left side), which would have tipped us over for sure, he succeeded in keeping us on the road but the trailer was trying to jack-knife across the interstate. By now we were back almost at the right lane about to hit the tale end of the semi so, Rusty compensated for this and while our trailer was fishtailing across the interstate again, he managed to get us back to the left lane and straight enough to be able to stop us! We didn’t hit anyone, and they didn’t hit us either, and nobody hit each other avoiding us! We were fine and obviously in shock – Rusty got out to get my bike that broke off the locked and hooked up bike rack. Evidently it was going about 65 mph when it fell and went end over end down the interstate. It ended up in the median, and you guessed it, nobody hit it, and it didn’t hit anyone either! Unbelievable! I got out of the truck and looked back, the traffic behind us had stopped completely and I saw smoke and smelled burnt rubber from everyone’s tires.  The show was over and the traffic started back up again. If you see us on U-Tube, please let us know. The cars that started passing us were asking if we were OK and we were – they were too! We can’t believe that! Now we know that we are very lucky and truly blessed, but this was way more than - I had my lucky penny in my purse or found a four-leaf clover a while back. This was a miracle plain and simple! As crazy as it sounds we could just drive away – so we did! Before we could get to the first exit a car pulled up next to us to let us know that a tire on our trailer was wobbling.  Two seconds later Rusty looked in his rear view mirror and saw our tire rolling down the interstate! It didn’t take very long and it was passing us and turned on the off ramp in front of us! Honest – the tire turned onto the exit ramp on it’s own – we just followed it! I took a picture of it before Rusty pulled over and picked it up. We went straight to the gas station, called Good Sam’s – yep we’re members. The inside of the trailer looked like a tornado had been there. Cabinets had opened, emptied everything out and then closed back. But with the help of a Good Samaritan – Don – four hours later we had replaced all four tires, four rims (damaged and bent during fishtailing), 5 lug nuts, and a grease cap (lost when the tire escaped), and were on our way to our next destination in TN.


  1. Oh my God Thank goodness you are both OK. what an amazing turn of events. I'm sooooo glad you werent hurt.

  2. holy smokes!!! what an adventure and on the 2nd day!! hope that is the most excitement you see for a while!! happy trails, Lori

  3. Thank God and your Angels too!!! So now we know that the worst has happened & the rest of the trip will be smooth sailing from now until you get back home. I bet that was the biggest adrenaline rush you've ever had!!
    Just remember your Angels are ALWAYS with you.

    Love you guys :)

  4. Glad you are both alright! Sounds like Rusty did a great job keeping everyone safe! Amazing with everything in motion that nobody was hurt, what are the odds?!?
    Enjoy the rest of your trip, keep us posted.


  5. Holy guacamole! Tres & I are glad you're safe, thanks to Ruusty's skillful driving, and thanks to your Guardian Angels too! We're looking forward to less exciting blog posts from here on out.
